Cultural site for African Americans living in, planning travel to Los Angeles, and those interested in the Culture. Site includes listings of Night Clubs, Restaurants, Churches, Events for Children, Black Books and Cultural Clothing Stores, Fee and Free events, as well as Barber and Beauty Services.
Diaspora Communications
P.O. Box 36191
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Contact: Christopher D. Cathcart
Title: President/Owner
Phone: 213/850-8982
Posted November 25, 1997
Big Game James, Inc.
11666 Coshen Avenue, Ste. 316
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Contact: Alicia
Title: Business Manager
Phone: (310)268-0050
Fax: (310)268-9272
Posted May 9, 1997
P.O. Box 42792
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Attention: Ronald F. Smith, P.E.